Spring Forward on Your Creative Journey with “Spring Writes”
Unlike traditional workshops, which focus on a specific topic or curriculum, Spring Writes focuses on you. Whatever your needs, Spring Writes addresses them through each week’s guided experience. Whether it’s a visualization, meditation or other exercise, Mark David devises it on the spot, based on his intuited sense of what best serves each Spring Writes participant. You’ll never feel the same about writing again!
Write What You Know...If You Dare!
Write what you know — what you know in your deepest heart. Write your fire. Write your truth. Go ahead and write what you know...if you dare.
My Top 10 Writing Tips (They’re Not Just for NaNoWriMo)!
Let these writing tips kindle and empower your creativity all year long, not only during November’s National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). And apply them to all your writing, whatever your form, media, subject or genre.
When Was the Last Time You Told Your Story?
"When was the last time you told your story — honestly, vulnerably, courageously? Whether it was last night or last year, it’s time to do it again — for yourself and for all those fortunate enough to share in it."
Answering Your Call to Write
When did the call first come? When did you know, as clearly as you know your face, that you had to write? When did you know that an imperative deeper than any you have known was crying out for you to express it in words? When did you know?
You Can Write
Close your eyes and remember. Remember the stories you invented... Remember wonder and imagination... Remember make-believe... You can write.
There's No Place Like Home...!
“Sedona is my heart home,” she said to me wistfully, and in that moment I realized that it is mine, too. That doesn’t necessarily mean that I get to stay. It does mean that I will relish every moment I have here and will continue to be grateful for all the miracles that this magical place is blessing me with!
My Top 10 Writing Tips
I’m often asked whether I have one piece of advice for writers. I don’t…because I have 10! These 10 tips have helped me write more than a dozen books (award-winning fiction and nonfiction), not to mention three optioned screenplays and countless articles and essays. They can help you too, whether you’re a seasoned writer or working on your first project and whatever your form, medium or genre.