Full 60-to-120-minute writing courses, complete with exercises! Experience them at your own pace, and watch them as often as you want, whenever you need a dose of inspiration and practical tips and tools. All courses are designed for both new and experienced writers.

** If you do not receive a thank you email with a download link within 24 hours of placing your order, use the contact page to let us know!

Convinced you don’t have the time to write? You do!

Whether your calendar is overflowing with obligations and commitments or you work from home but lack the discipline to get to the page, Mark David Gerson will help you find the time and set the goals that will not only get you writing but keep you writing…all the way through to “The End.”

Invest 90 minutes in your creative success!

Bust the most common (and creativity-stifling) screenwriting myths.

Learn to craft engaging, entertaining, compelling stories for the screen spontaneously and without struggle…whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out.

Write for film, naturally!

Transform your manuscript into the masterpiece it deserves to be.

Don’t send your final draft into the world yet. Let Mark David Gerson guide you through a singular revision process that is sure to give your final draft its best shot at critical acclaim and popular success.

Make your writing the best it can be!

Rekindle your creativity and reignite your creative flow!

Whether you’re a novice writer or a seasoned professional, regardless of your medium, genre or form, get cutting-edge writing tips you can start using today, and learn how to write effortlessly, spontaneously and without struggle.

Rediscover the writer you are (or yearn to be) and get ready to write…with ease!

Craft original, unforgettable characters who leap off the page as real people, with….

  • Mark David Gerson’s 12½ Top Tips for Creating Compelling Characters

  • Mark David Gerson’s 7 Secrets to Effective Dialogue

Experience your characters as you’ve never experienced them before!

Unlock the full potential of your journaling practice.

Awaken to your innate wisdom with powerful techniques that will free your heart to speak and your soul to sing.

Take your journaling to new depths today!

82% of Americans say they plan to write a book someday. Be one of the few who does, with…

  • Dynamic tools to get you started and keep you writing

  • Surefire techniques to spark new concepts, new content and new ideas

  • Compelling inspiration to keep you motivated, committed and impassioned

Write the book that’s been inside you all along!

Transform your memories into memoir!

Whoever you are, whatever your experiences, whether you’re a new writer or a seasoned veteran, From Memory to Memoir will help you craft a page-turning narrative that will bring words to your life and life to your words.

Get the stories of your life onto the page today!

Let the Divine Intelligence that guides all healing speak to you through your writing.

Writing from the heart is an act of profound healing and self-transformation. Join Mark David Gerson for a guided pilgrimage into the heart of your healing and whole-making journey, whatever your physical, emotional or spiritual issues.

Jumpstart your healing journey today!

  • Best writing teacher ever!

    Katie Thomas
    Lynchburg, VA

  • Mark David Gerson's workshop was not only inspirational, it opened a door that started me on a writerly journey.

    Sandra Phinney
    Author of Waking Up in my Own Backyard

  • I've started many writing workshops, but my inner censor stopped me from getting very far. Perhaps it's Mark David Gerson's voice, his kind smile, his own memoir or a combination, but I'm now writing my memoir!

    Daniel Messing

  • I thought it to be just a writing class. I am deeply touched that it turned out to be a divine appointment.

    Brenda Welch
    Ha’iku, HI

  • Mark David Gerson is a dedicated inspiration to ALL writers!

    Judy Smith Adams
    Springfield, MO

  • Mark David is the Zen Master of writing.

    Sheri Hall Bruce
    Port Orange, FL