"Hello, Yellow Brick Road!" / Day 55 – 2023-03-23 / Morning

My mother, who died thirty-nine years ago tomorrow, would never have understood this journey I’m on, nor much of the life I have lived since her passing. She would have worried incessantly for my well-being, as mothers do, yet she would never have tried to persuade me to change course.

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memoir, My Fool's Journey, book excerpts Mark David Gerson memoir, My Fool's Journey, book excerpts Mark David Gerson

It's Time to Move On...Again

The harvest moon is seen as a time to reap the fruits of our past efforts...a time of abundance in all its forms…a time of endings and new beginnings. As such, this 25th anniversary of the harvest moon that first brought me here feels like the perfect moment to let go of the Sedona season that has enriched me in so many ways and to fully embrace a new one. Where am I going, when and why? As the storyteller I am, the only way I can answer those questions is with a story…

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Mark David Gerson Mark David Gerson

It's Always Impossible Until It's Done

“The Fool does not hold himself to conventional expressions of probability or improbability. The Fool does not hold
herself to established definitions of possibility or impossibility. In the world of the Fool, everything is probable and all
is possible. There is no other way."

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memoir, sedona, Q'ntana Mark David Gerson memoir, sedona, Q'ntana Mark David Gerson

Miracles Have Always Found Me. They Always Will.

I had no choice: I would have to trust. Unconditionally. And I would have to reassure those fearful parts of me that I have always been taken care of. Even during those three harrowing months between Portland and Sedona, a 2019 journey I chronicle in Pilgrimage: A Fool’s Journey, I was never abandoned. There was always a miracle…then another…then another. I didn’t run out then. Why would I now?

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My Fool's Journey, memoir Mark David Gerson My Fool's Journey, memoir Mark David Gerson

I Believe in Miracles. Do You?

Not for the first time, I'm finding it hard to dig beneath the surface impossibility of my current situation to get to the truth, which is that the intuitive vision of my wisest self has never let me down, even when disaster felt imminent. Why am I telling you this now? Because I need to hear it.

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