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From Memory to Memoir

Experience “From Memory to Memoir” when it’s convenient to you! How about right now!?

What you have lived is unique. What you have learned through your years of living is beyond price. And the value of all you share through your words, and of all the ways you awaken and grow through your words, is incalculable.

Whoever you are, whatever your experiences, whether you’re a new writer or a seasoned veteran, From Memory to Memoir will help you craft a page-turning narrative that will bring words to your life and life to your words.

What are you waiting for? Get the stories of your life onto the page today! Click here to register NOW!

(Writing fiction? Many of these same tools will help deepen your characterizations and enrich your storytelling.)

(Re)discover the Writer You Are and Come Prepared to Write…with Ease!


Click here to own this video and experience it whenever you want, as often as you want!

January 7

Birth Your Book NOW!

February 1

Free Your Characters, Free Your Story