Experience “Free Your Characters, Free Your Story” when it’s convenient to you!
Are you writing a story for print, stage or screen or some other work where people play a key role in the narrative?
Are you ready to craft original, unforgettable characters who leap off the page as real people?
Are you ready to compose compelling, authentic dialogue that sounds like your characters, not like you?
Are you ready to create stories around characters that readers love? That they love to hate? That they can’t get enough of?
If you can answer yes to even one of those questions, it’s time to free your characters onto the page with my new Free Your Characters, Free Your Story workshop!
Discover my 12½ Top Tips for Creating Compelling Characters
Learn my 7 Secrets to Effective Dialogue
Experience your own characters as you’ve never experienced them before!
Create compelling characters for your story today!
Click here to experience it NOW!