writing workshops, Q'ntana Mark David Gerson writing workshops, Q'ntana Mark David Gerson

A "True" Fantasy That's Disturbingly Relevant

Thank you — for each story you tell…for each time you refuse to be silenced…for each time you refuse to hide…for each time you challenge fear…for each time you embrace your courage. It’s your stories that will carry us through this real-life MoonQuest we’re living…and it’s your voice that will ultimately flood the darkness with light.

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memoir, Q'ntana Mark David Gerson memoir, Q'ntana Mark David Gerson

The Story Knows Best

The only thing I know for certain as my 18th month with no fixed home draws to an end is what Eulisha tells Toshar early in The MoonQuest, the same thing Pyrà tells Kamela in the opening scene of The Bard of Bryn Doon, soon-to-be rereleased fourth Q’ntana book: "There’s more to every story." There’s more to my story as well. And all I can do is listen for it and follow where it takes me, in the ongoing act of surrender that is my life. 

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Q'ntana, writing Mark David Gerson Q'ntana, writing Mark David Gerson

A Star(Quest) Is Born...

“Not only am I not yet finished with The MoonQuest (as I thought I was), its StarQuest sequel will take me eleven confused and frustrating years to complete. Not the book itself. The first draft!”

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It All Started with “The MoonQuest.” All of it…

I am still The MoonQuest story, just as I was that March evening in Toronto 30 years ago…the story of a bard who follows his heart and lets the tales that move through him reveal the way forward as he journeys on a quest to return story, imagination and vision to the land.

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writing Mark David Gerson writing Mark David Gerson

The MoonQuest: A 30th Conception-iversary!

It is March 28, 2024 – thirty(!) years, more than twenty books, many thousands of miles and countless lifetimes since the moment of The MoonQuest’s conception. It’s hard to remember that Toronto writer who was so stressed by the loss of control The MoonQuest demanded of him. After all, when you have no idea what you’re writing from one word to the next, you have to surrender a hell of a lot of control!

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Q'ntana, memoir Mark David Gerson Q'ntana, memoir Mark David Gerson

"I Am a Writer. Period."

"I am a writer. Period." I wasn't so sure about that while writing The Bard of Bryn Doon, which was such an intensely challenging experience that I was seriously tempted to give up. Often. And not only on this book, but on *all* books. Somehow, though, I managed to get through it, and I now think that my newest book may be my best yet! I guess I'm going to keep a writing after all!!

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writing Mark David Gerson writing Mark David Gerson

A Sort of Coming Out

I'm excited by this new, surprising direction, which feels like a sort of coming out – both within myself and out in the world. Suddenly, in addition to all the other kinds of writer I am, I'm something else...something I never expected to call myself!

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