memoir, book excerpts Mark David Gerson memoir, book excerpts Mark David Gerson

The Last Goodbye

“If my mother's soul had already vacated her body, I am certain now that it had not yet left the room. I didn’t believe in souls and spirits in those days, but in revisiting that scene as I write this, I know that the limp hand I held was somehow also holding mine…”

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book excerpts, memoir Mark David Gerson book excerpts, memoir Mark David Gerson

The Ghost in the Steam Room

Few of the stories I share about my father in my memoir are flattering. Not only was he physically and emotionally absent, he wasn’t even my natural father. Yet I carry his name, and of my three fathers, he is the only one I ever think of as "Daddy." So on this 56th anniversary of his death, I share this tale of love and reconciliation…. 

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