Imagine: A Small Community of Like-Spirited Writers...and You're Part of It!

What would it feel like to be part of a small, heartful community of like-spirited writers who meet weekly on Zoom for coaching and mutual support? Such a group is not only possible, it’s happening…starting Sept. 10! 

It’s my Six-Week Global Coaching Group for Writers, and it’s a singular opportunity to bring your creative projects, writing questions and related life issues into a forum that carries the same nurturing and accelerating energy you have come to expect from my books, talks, classes and workshops. 

Here’s what one of the participants of my Summer Coaching Group said, after the first 30 minutes of the first session: “Wow! I’ve already got my money’s worth…and we’ve just started!”

The group kicks off on Sept. 10 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET on Zoom (so you can participate from anywhere) and continues weekly on Tuesdays until Oct. 15. And when I say “small,” I’m not kidding! I’m keeping numbers super-low so everyone gets individual attention. It is a coaching group, after all!

Unlike my classes and workshops, each of which has a fixed theme and focus, my coaching groups are tailored to the specific needs of those participating.

People join these groups for a variety of reasons, mostly, of course, (but not always) to do with some aspect of writing.

  • Sometimes, it has to do with a project that’s ongoing, stuck or ready to kick off.

  • Sometimes, it’s for help setting and/or keeping a writing routine and writing goals.

  • Sometimes, it’s for help choosing the right project (either because they have too many ideas are no identifiable ideas).

Whatever the writing/creativity issues, we address them.

Yet whatever an individual’s surface reason for participating, there is always a deeper reason that rarely reveals itself until the group is underway. That’s why I urge people to trust their heart/gut feeling/intuition if they feel called to join (or not join) one of my coaching groups. 

  • Sometimes, that deeper reason will turn out to be a connection they make with one or more of the other members.

  • Sometimes, the group dynamic will trigger a writing project they had no conscious awareness of.

  • Sometimes, the coaching/conversations move beyond writing and creativity and into other areas. That’s because life and creativity issues are often linked, even if those links are not immediately apparent.  

Whatever your core reason for participating and however it reveals itself, you will find the coaching group to be a powerful resource that offers incomparable practical and emotional support — from your fellow group members as well as from me. 

Each week, as we come together, you will be encouraged, buoyed up and spurred on. Your fellow members will also offer different perspectives than mine, perspectives that you are certain to find useful on your journey, whether or not it involves writing. And if past coaching groups are any indication, the bonds created within the group will be strong enough that you will remain in contact with at least some of your fellow members long after the formal group experience is over.  

Again, my Fall 2024 Global Coaching Group runs for six Tuesdays on Zoom – from 6 to 8pm PT – starting 9/10. I will be recording the sessions and making them available on-demand, which means you can revisit any meeting that you find particularly helpful. And if you miss a meeting, you can watch it, should you choose, before the next one.

Two more points, practical ones, for reaching out to you today…

  • One, because my coaching groups are very small, I want to make sure that if you feel called to participate, you get in.

  • This is likely to be my final coaching group of 2024. So you won’t want to miss the opportunity!.

Are you ready to commit to your creative growth and success? Sign up now at Of course, if you have questions you want answered before you commit, drop me a line and I’ll do my best to address them.

Finally, although I would love to have you as part of this Global Coaching Group, please follow the voice of your heart. As Toshar is reminded in my novel The MoonQuest, “Your heart will guide you always."

 6-Week Global Coaching Group (Fall 2024)

  • When: Tuesdays, Sept. 10 through Oct. 15 – 6pm PT / 9pm ET)

  • Where: Wherever in the world you are via Zoom

Space is Limited. Reserve Yours NOW!